SOLD OUT: Meditations on the Process

Everything that’s happened, and some of the things that are next

3 min readOct 4, 2021

One month since launch and we have minted all 10K ENCRYPTAS! There have been many ups and downs throughout this process, but the team is quite grateful to have been able to enjoy the scenic route on the way to the moon.

In this space, it is quite anomalous when a project does not sell out at the snap of a finger. Despite this, there was very little doubt about what this community could do. The positivity and confidence generated by early supporters served as the necessary fuel to motivate and inspire the team. The final tool to get the engine revving were the right pair of eyes.

The announcement to halt minting triggered a powerful rally from the community to have ENCRYPTAS seen, heard and felt. The community is a powerhouse, and it was their voice that captured the attention of many influential figures in the NFT space. The synergy created from the team and their passion, the community and their voice, and an orchestra of mighty platforms were all key in the concluding sell out of ENCRYPTAS.

Each milestone in the ENCRYPTAS roadmap has been adorned with a bright green check mark.


To celebrate our early supporters, the team will be hosting an airdrop to all ENCRYPTAS holders. Hosted on the Polygon Network, this airdrop will gift current holders with an illustration by CypherCHK. This illustration served as a powerful source of inspiration for the design of ENCRYPTAS. Hang tight and hold tight, the airdrop will not be immediate to reward HODLers and may also be an important token to hold for the future…


Trait utilities for ENCRYPTAS holding the rebel-in-training rank and best friend chokers 1 & 2 have already been announced. Head to the CypherCHK Discord to learn more.


There are currently two artistic collaborations going on backstage in the ENCRYPTAS dimension. With all the hype post-sell out, ongoing contests and giveaways, the team will be finalizing the key details for these collaborations while the current initiatives are still running.


The SuperWorld x ENCRYPTAS partnership is on! From this partnership, the teams have curated five important plots of land dedicated to the stories of women on the Super World App. Each plot of land will be gifted with an ENCRYPTAS to honor these sites and to invite new holders, and those who come across the site, to learn more about the stories of women. Stay tuned!


The art collection of CypherCHK is growing with the help of the community. With the help of the community suggestions, two new emerging artists were added to the collection.


CypherCHK will be balancing her time between the ENCRYPTAS community and the creation of the 101Babes. To celebrate the sell-out, Babe #27 will be auctioned with all proceeds donated to a charity selected with the help of the community.

The journey to the moon is just getting started, but now that all 10K ENCRYPTAS have been safely uploaded onto the blockchain, the team is well backed to make getting there possible. Get ready to see more of the ENCRYPTAS story unfolding, as well as more 1/1 art by CypherCHK. This past month has equipped the team with all the tools necessary to fight the bots, battle any negativity, and to prove any doubt wrong. There is no rush to get to the stars, especially when the way there is so beautiful.




Written by CypherCHK

Building something that nobody will get... #101Babes #ENCRYPTAS #degENCRYPTAS #DIVINA

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