A New Face to Avatars
10,000 faceless coder chicks saving the world through code & flowers
The explorers assembled around the rare genus of space flower, eager to learn about its curious glow. They had so many questions for the strange and faceless being, but were divided by the language barriers from their two separate worlds.
The creature released the hibiscus to float at the center from where they were gathered. Though it was nearly impossible to read any expression from its face, it moved its hands to tell what was the beginning of a very compelling story…
The faceless icon is something of a signature for CypherCHK. Cypher invites the viewer to explore their own interpretations of her work with the hope of engaging conversations about the Blockchain, the power of our data and its use, and women. Her decision to remain anonymous is also symbolic in the faceless women of her art.
Cypher expands on this symbolism with her ENCRYPTAS. Not only are these girls faceless, but they are a re-imagining of the typical forms and placements seen in female centered avatars. By closely observing the ENCRYPTAS there is no question that there is something different in the way they take up space! Though these girls are neither categorized as small or large, they are certainly not the traditional image of women we are assailed with by the media. Just as the Faceless Babe is an invitation for interpretation, the design of each ENCRYPTAS is an invitation for the viewer to redefine what a ‘normal’ body means.
Let’s return to how each ENCRYPTAS takes up space. These girls are raucous, these girls are bold, and these girls fill up nearly the entire 4000px by 4000px frame they exist in! As a former writer, Cypher intends to reveal a story with her art. ENCRYPTAS tells a tale of the new emerging power in tech and science spaces, Gen Z and Millennial girls. With fashion, hairstyles, and jewelry trends inspired by this generation of revolutionaries, Cypher aims to put this future of girls in the spotlight.
ENCRYPTAS is a collectibles about women, for everyone! Though these pieces center around the emerging generation of girls, each ENCRYPTAS is faceless to allow the viewer to find the stories of their sisters, daughters, friends and even mothers! While creating a movement that puts women in the focus, Cypher aims to cultivate a community of open-minded leaders enthusiastic about the digital and artistic renaissance we are living in.
When Cypher began illustrating she found a form of expression that was no longer bound by language. Her message was accessible to any viewer regardless of what native tongue they spoke. Her art is very much inspired by this notion of accessibility and universality. Cypher is creating a dimension unlike any other, and open to any body.
The creature traced her fingers through open space mapping out a constellation of stars. Next to each star existed unique galaxies and dimensions, that to the unassuming observing seemed cut-off from the other.
The being directed the voyagers and their attention to the points and nodes linking the spaces between stars. The constellations revealed a common code recognizable to all beings from every inch in the universe. The explorers immediately understood the story the faceless being was telling. They no longer felt isolated in the new dimension they were in, they felt connected to it.
Follow the story: https://www.cypherchk.com/
Join the Community: https://discord.gg/vTswEfkPdJ